How Much Stump Out Do I Need?

How Much Stump Out Do I Need?

Removing a tree stump can be tricky, especially if it’s large or deeply rooted. Many homeowners choose chemical solutions like “Stump Out.” Before you buy it, it’s important to know how much you’ll need and how to use it properly.

Understanding Stump Out

Stump Out is a chemical product that speeds up the breakdown of tree stumps. It usually contains potassium nitrate, which helps decompose the wood. This makes it easier to remove the stump either by hand or through natural decay over time.

Assessing Your Stump

To figure out how many stumps you need, first measure the diameter of the stump at its widest point.

  • Small stumps (up to 12 inches) may need one container of Stump Out.
  • Larger stumps will likely need more than one container.

Also, consider the type of tree. Softer woods like poplar decay faster than hardwoods like oak or hickory. If the stump is already rotting or old, you may need less product because the decomposition process has already started.

How to Get a Tree Stump Out

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Stump Out effectively:

  1. Prepare the Area: Clear away any debris, grass, or soil around the stump for easy access.
  2. Drill Holes: Use a drill with a large bit to make holes in the top and sides of the stump. Space the holes 2 to 4 inches apart, and drill at least 6 inches deep.
  3. Apply Stump Out: Pour the Stump Out granules into the holes, making sure they fill the holes.
  4. Add Water: Water the stump to activate the chemicals and help the decomposition process.
  5. Cover the Stump: Use a tarp or plastic cover to keep the area moist and speed up the breakdown. This also helps keep the chemicals from affecting nearby plants.

How Long Does Stump Out Take to Work?

It takes time for Stump Out to work. Depending on the size, type of wood, and environment, it may take 4 to 6 weeks or longer to see results.

  • Check the stump every few weeks by digging around it. If it feels soft or crumbly, it’s working.
  • If the stump hasn’t softened after several weeks, you can reapply Stump Out or try additional methods like burning or manual removal.


The amount of Stump Out you need depends on the size, type, and condition of the stump. Follow the instructions carefully and be patient. Chemical decomposition takes time, but using Stump Out properly will make the stump easier to remove. Explore other removal methods if necessary, such as manual removal or burning, to get the best results. With the right approach, you can get rid of the stump and enjoy a cleaner, safer yard.

Read our more blogs at: How Much Does Stump Removal Cost


How Does Stump Out Work?

Stump Out contains potassium nitrate, which breaks down the wood and encourages fungi and bacteria to grow. This makes the wood soft and easy to remove over time.

Can I Use Stump Out On Any Type Of Tree Stump?

Yes, but the results may vary depending on the type of wood. Softer woods like pine decompose faster than hardwoods like oak.

Is Stump Out Safe For The Environment And Nearby Plants?

Stump Out is safe if used according to the instructions, but it is still a chemical. Be careful to avoid spreading it to nearby soil or plants. Covering the stump can help reduce any impact on the environment.

What If The Stump Doesn’t Decompose After Using Stump Out?

If the stump isn’t soft after a few weeks, reapply Stump Out or try other methods like burning or manual removal. Keeping the stump moist can also improve the results.

How Long Should I Wait Before Removing The Stump?

Wait at least 4 to 6 weeks before checking the stump. Once it feels soft and crumbly, it’s ready to remove. Be patient, as the process can take longer depending on the stump’s size and type.